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Pregnant? It's Time for an Estate Plan!

If you are expecting your first baby, or your second, or third, CONGRATULATIONS!

Pregnancy is such an exciting time. New parents spend so much time planning for their new addition, picking a nursery theme, deciding how they will feed the baby, and planning for the future of their family. One of the most important things you can do for your new baby is to create an estate plan. An estate plan is not just planning for death. It is planning for incapacity, and for situations where you are unable to make choices for yourself.

It is not always possible to predict how your pregnancy is going to end. Creating a birth plan is a wonderful idea, but sometimes your baby and your body have other plans.

If you need a C-section or any other surgery during your pregnancy, it is very important to have a medical power of attorney, to ensure that you have control over the who is making decisions for you if you are unable to make those choices yourself. Being put in a position to make these decisions before you are wheeled into an operating room is scary. You can avoid that fear by creating an estate plan ahead of time.

In addition to planning for a possible surgery, it is important to make decisions about who will care for your baby if you are unable to.

New parents often go into nesting mode during pregnancy. Prior to the birth of your baby is a great time to think about and establishing an estate plan. Call our office today to talk about your options, and how to plan for your new bundle of joy. 720-345-2867.


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